The globalization of businesses, the emergence of a border less workplace, and technological revolution are creating new challenges for the management of human resources. The changing role that HR plays today is a reflection of the changes that organizations experience in their economic, social, political and legal environments. The international market place is a highly complex and competitive environment and multinational corporations operate under diverse economic, legal, political, social and cultural settings. In this environment, they need a strategic partner to ensure that human resource management programs and services are in place to enable them to sustain competitive advantage globally. As part of the overall change in the nature of HRM, the extent of involvement by the HRM function in the lives of individuals and the community is increasing. Traditionally the focus was limited to employees in the organization. However with a greater awareness of the importance of well-being and the role of family and community in determining well-being, the Human Resource Management function needs to be involved more widely than before. There are various definition of Human Resource Management/Personnel Management. Among them stated as follows:
- The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to
various regulations.
The importance of human resource management has increased over the years as organization leaders recognize the critical role played by their employees as a way to obtain organizational effectiveness and competitive advantage. It facilitates the most effective acquisition, development, use and retention of employees. With that, the organization will achieve their certain goals because of the help of their good workforce.
- Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business.
Human Resource’s goal is to create organizational effectiveness by ensuring competence in the organization, facilitating change, creating a climate of employee commitment, and sound employee-employer relations. Each of the functional areas crafts programs intended to acquire, develop, motivate, retain competent individuals and maintains sound management-employee relations.
- Personnel Management is an administrative discipline of hiring and developing employees so that they become more valuable to the organization such as conducting job analysis, HR planning, recruitment and selection, compensation and benefits management and performance management.
These functions enable Human Resource to develop and implement strategies, programs and interventions that are instrumental in realizing organizational effectiveness. They need to work closely together to develop integrated human resource strategies, reinforce desired behaviours, attributes and competencies.
- Human Resource Management is concerned on adding value to the delivery of goods and services, as well as to the quality of work life for employees, and hence helping to ensure continuous organizational success in transformative environments.
A company’s organization culture could be a significant instrument for maintaining a sustained competitive environment. It is the role of the HRM to provide all the services needed by the employees of the organization. With that, employees will strive hard not just to have the said incentives they can receive based on their performance but also for the success of the company.
- Human Resource Management is concerned on all the dimensions related to people in their employment relationships, and all the dynamics that flow from it including in the realization of the potential of individual employees in terms of their aspirations.
Some company’s culture of innovation and creativity or excellence in customer service has helped them maintain a competitive edge. That is why during the recruitment process, recruiters select individuals that best fit the organizations aspirations. They make sure that those individuals equip with such innovative thinking will help their organization achieve certain goals. Creation of a vibrant corporate culture where individual creativity, innovative thinking and collaborative spirit are fostered and rewarded based on the mutual trust between employees and management. Reference:
Human Resource Management: Local and Global Perspectives
(MelvaM. Diamante, D.B.A., Genevieve Ledesma-Tan,Ph.D)
many definitions made by different people yet the idea still remains that it deals with managing human resources.!!jejje