Monday, December 22, 2008
T-shirt by Shontelle
Hey, let me tell you know.
ohhhh baby.
trying to decide, trying to decide if i, really wanna go out tonight.
i never used to go out without ya, not sure i remember how to.
gonna be late gonna be late but, all my girls gon have to wait cause, i don't know if i like my outfit.
i tried everything in my closet.
nothing feels right when im not with you, sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos.
taking them off cause i feel a fool, trying to dress up when im missing you.
ima step out of this lingerie, curl up in a ball with something Hanes.
in bed i lay, with nothing but your T-shirt on.
oh, with nothing but your T-shirt on.
hey, gotta be strong gotta be strong but i'm, really hurting now that you're gone.
i thought maybe i'd do some shopping, but i couldn't get past the door and, now i don't know now i don't know if i'm, ever really gonna let you go and i, couldn't even leave my apartment.
im stripped down torn up about it.
nothing feels right when im not with you, sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos.
taking them off cause i feel a fool, trying to dress up when im missing you.
ima step out of this lingerie, curl up in a ball with something Hanes.
in bed i lay, with nothing but your T-shirt on.
(i'm all by myself with)with nothing but your T-shirt on
ohhh, with nothing but your T-shirt on
(cause i miss you, cause i miss you) with nothing but your T-shirt on.
(said i miss you baby)
trying to decide, trying to decide if i, really wanna go out tonight.
i couldn't even leave my apartment, i'm stripped down torn up about it.
nothing feels right when im not with you, sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos.
taking them off cause i feel a fool, trying to dress up when im missing you.
ima step out of this lingerie, curl up in a ball with something Hanes.
in bed i lay.
hey hey, nothing feels right when im not with you.
sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos.
taking them off cause i feel a fool, trying to dress up when im mising you.(cause i miss you)
ima step out of this lingerie, curl up in a ball with something Hanes.
in bed i lay,(i would be in bed)with nothing but your T-shirt on.
said i got nothing but your T-shirt on.
hey,(cause i want to be close to you), with nothing but your T-shirt on.
i remember when, you would like to see me, with nothing but your T-shirt on.
hey,(nothing but your T-shirt on)
let me tell you know (nothing but your T-shirt on)
with nothing but your T-shirt on.
Two days from now we will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
I really love christmas because its the season of love and giving..
Celebrating this season with our family will surely a wonderful one. Parties is in the air! Lots of food and gifts which we really crave for. I'm really excited on Christmas day because we will have a big party. I'm pretty sure it would be more fun and exciting.
Merry Christmas and have a prosperous New Year to all!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It’s been 3 weeks since he left me. Those days without him seem to be the excruciating days of my life. I thought he will not leave me but he did. He went to Japan to study. He had a scholarship grant in Tokyo University. I was then shocked when he emailed me saying he’s in Japan. A month ago he said that he passed the scholarship but he had no plans to take it because of me. Before he leaves, I was angry with him because he never texted nor call me. Not knowing, that day was his flight. I called him. I yelled at him. He keeps on saying that he loves me and that he will miss me. I was then crying that time. He said that they will be having a retreat and he will be back the day after tomorrow. He lied. There’s no retreat after all. I was damned hurt because he never says anything to me. If only I know that he will be leaving, I would make his last days with me so memorable and happy even though we’ll miss each other for a long time.
Now that he’s far away from me, I don’t know how to start the day without him. Before as I woke up, he’s the one that puts a smile on my face. He brightens my day. Now, my day is always dull. I love him so much. Sooner or later, I’ll accept the fact that he’s now a miles away from me. Well the communication is still there but it’s really different when he’s here. He had this promise that he will never replace me. I hope that promise will last.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
What is Human Resource Management/Personnel Management..
2 comments Posted by vanessa may at 5:08 AM The globalization of businesses, the emergence of a border less workplace, and technological revolution are creating new challenges for the management of human resources. The changing role that HR plays today is a reflection of the changes that organizations experience in their economic, social, political and legal environments. The international market place is a highly complex and competitive environment and multinational corporations operate under diverse economic, legal, political, social and cultural settings. In this environment, they need a strategic partner to ensure that human resource management programs and services are in place to enable them to sustain competitive advantage globally. As part of the overall change in the nature of HRM, the extent of involvement by the HRM function in the lives of individuals and the community is increasing. Traditionally the focus was limited to employees in the organization. However with a greater awareness of the importance of well-being and the role of family and community in determining well-being, the Human Resource Management function needs to be involved more widely than before.
There are various definition of Human Resource Management/Personnel Management. Among them stated as follows:
The importance of human resource management has increased over the years as organization leaders recognize the critical role played by their employees as a way to obtain organizational effectiveness and competitive advantage. It facilitates the most effective acquisition, development, use and retention of employees. With that, the organization will achieve their certain goals because of the help of their good workforce.
various regulations.
Human Resource’s goal is to create organizational effectiveness by ensuring competence in the organization, facilitating change, creating a climate of employee commitment, and sound employee-employer relations. Each of the functional areas crafts programs intended to acquire, develop, motivate, retain competent individuals and maintains sound management-employee relations.
These functions enable Human Resource to develop and implement strategies, programs and interventions that are instrumental in realizing organizational effectiveness. They need to work closely together to develop integrated human resource strategies, reinforce desired behaviours, attributes and competencies.
A company’s organization culture could be a significant instrument for maintaining a sustained competitive environment. It is the role of the HRM to provide all the services needed by the employees of the organization. With that, employees will strive hard not just to have the said incentives they can receive based on their performance but also for the success of the company.
Some company’s culture of innovation and creativity or excellence in customer service has helped them maintain a competitive edge. That is why during the recruitment process, recruiters select individuals that best fit the organizations aspirations. They make sure that those individuals equip with such innovative thinking will help their organization achieve certain goals. Creation of a vibrant corporate culture where individual creativity, innovative thinking and collaborative spirit are fostered and rewarded based on the mutual trust between employees and management.
Human Resource Management: Local and Global Perspectives
(MelvaM. Diamante, D.B.A., Genevieve Ledesma-Tan,Ph.D)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
As what I’ve learned from our interview to Mr. Carlito S. Llano, HR manager of LYR Marketing about his concept of the nature, scope and role of Human Resource Management- he said that it simply deals with planning and organizing for work, people acquisition and development, compensation and benefits and the administration of policies and practices. He said that having these roles would help building a unified and effective organization. Each task are done in an organize way. With that, the organization needs to know the competency and skill levels of its workforce. According to him, human resource is the heart of the organization. Organization cannot stand alone without human resource. Organizations that are not staffed with right talent will have great difficulty implementing new strategies and organizational changes. He also said that the organization needs specific attributes and talents to effectively execute strategic initiatives. It is therefore important for HR to assess whether or not its workforce has the required competencies, attributes and expertise. He also stated all his duties as a HR manager. He plays variety of roles. Some of the roles he said includes being an employee advocate, facilitator, strategist, consultant, coach, problem-solver, terminator and business partner.
I certainly agree on what he said. An organization will surely achieve all their goals if workers and practitioners will work hand on hand. The role he played will depend on the organization’s priorities. When an organization has to undergo change, HR professionals can be a significant player in diagnosing the need for change, developing and implementing an effective employee communication plan and conducting management development programs. Whatever the size of the organization, they have to manage employees since they are important assets for organizational success, the heart of the organization. These employees have to be trained, developed, and equip with competence and ability to contribute to the organization’s aim.
His concept is similar to that management of his organization because he really see to it that all his employees are in good condition equip with knowledge that will help the organization's success. He make sure that all his employees will receive the required benefits when it comes to work performance. He maintain a good communication with his employees so that they will build a good relationship that will make their company achieve their certain goals as well.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I woke up this morning with a smile upon my face, intently thinking about the day ahead. Suddenly, I dawned into a realization that again this day will be like the days of the survival of the fittest! Everything’s changed. But then its really good to reminisce all the beautiful things happened in the past rather than thinking of today’s chaotic situation.
Well, the most memorable things happened in my life was when my high school days. It’s been 4 years from now and the memories I had that time still lingers me. When I remember those memories left behind, I felt so happy. As I watched them having fun while playing in the field, I already start to miss them that time. The smile in their faces, the laughter’s in their eyes and their cheerful yells overwhelms me a lot. It’s not easy for me to forget them because for four years of being with them, I already started to treat and love them as my own brothers and sisters. It seems like it was just yesterday when I first walked inside the school portal and had a first glance at the whole school. We were so naïve that time and still beginning to know City High. The school were most of my cherished memoirs happened. Those precious moments that I able to share with them; do some foolish things with them, say or do something to irritate them until they burst with anger and then start to fight, the panicking about the assignments and late projects are some of those beautiful memories. But most of all, our last time to be able to join in different school competitions, to go home late together from our practice and suffer the pain in our whole body. Being in the most popular section that time, we really experienced the pressure. We have to show our best in every competition. Academic may it be or for extra curricular activities. I realized that time that the more contest we join, the stronger our bond becomes and the harder it seems to let go. The more we smile, the more tears we will cry. The closer we become, the difficult it will be to say goodbye. That was the saddest idea of leaving so many people who are part of your life. It’s not easy to let go especially if you have been closely attached to those people.
Even though we are separated, the friendship that binds us is always strong. The communication is still there. Every year we had a get-together. Unfortunately I’m not able to attend for some reasons. This year I’m pretty sure that I’m going to join the said gathering. I really miss them. With them I learned the value of having true friends who will always there in times of trials and falling down.
We had this maxim, “Sui Generis Ab Initio Ad Infinitum” a Latin word, which means “The Best From The Beginning Till The End”. Mark Van Buladaco, Regina Abadilla, Kate Karen Rasonable, Maria Theresa Abellana, Thomas Tangian, Marichelle Alcoriza, Maria Anne Tomada, Angel Mae Brua and Alma Cabase know this because we are classmates of IV- Datu Bago batch 2005. We are really the best. We showcase the talents and brilliant ideas we had learned way back before until now that we are in college. We are the best in our own way and will always be the best forever.
The way I see it, everyone has his or her own personality that will surely fit oneself. Life is not always a bed of roses. Life seems hard to bear oftentimes, full of sorrows, troubles and woe. All of us can't escape to feel the pain. A feeling which only proves that we are completely human. Character can't be developed in ease and quiet but it is through trials and sufferings that a soul can be strengthened, vision cleared, dreams inspired, and success achieved.
There are wishful individuals who long to sample the very best life has to offer. One of these individuals is I. Im type of person who really do anything just to achieve my certain goals in life. I have my own vision. I have my own dream. Seeing myself successful after I graduate is my vision and it certainly I've longed so much to achieve. I want to be of service to others. I want to help and inspire people as long as I can make it. I wanted to shout to the world that even if Im not glamorous, I prefer to live a simple life. A life with full of happiness and free from everything.
I'm just a simple girl who loves to be treated as a princess. In fact, I really wished that I'm a princess since I was young. I do not have THE FACE THAT CAN LAUNCH A THOUSAND SHIPS but I've got a good heart. I really like person who is exactly true and can accept me as who and what Iam. Likewise, I'm a kind person who is fun to be with and a true friend indeed. My friends like me and accept me as what Iam because I'm just really true to myself. I love to be loved and cherished. I believe in the sense of worth of my principles that God made me to see the beauty of the world.
I don't need to be an achiever to do great things, nor do I need to boast of my talents. I know that God will always be there, watching over me in every step of the way.
A Piece of Something
While I was walking, I stopped for a while and thought of things I don’t have. Then I realized that the happiest of all people don’t necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. It’s true that we don’t know what we’ve got until we lose it, but it’s also true that we don’t know what we’re missing until it arrives.
In the gateway of my heart I put a sign that says, “No Trespassing” but love came laughing and said, “I enter everywhere”. Love knows no reason. Love knows no lies. Love defies reasons, love has no eyes, but love is not blind. It sees but it doesn’t mind. Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance and you find you still care for the person. Love is supposed to be the most wonderful feelings. It should aspire you and give you joy and strength. But sometimes the things that give you joy can also hurt you in the end. It starts with a smile, develops with a kiss and ends with a tear.
When you love, you must not expect anything in return. If you do, you’re not loving but investigating. If you love; you must prepare to accept pain. For if you accept happiness you’re not loving but using. Don’t go for looks. It can deceive: don’t go for wealth, even that fades away: go for someone who makes you smile, make a dark day seem bright.
The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not twist them to fit our own image otherwise we love only the reflections of ourselves we find in them. Never impress someone for the rest of your life.
A sad thing about life is that you meet someone who means a lot to you only to find out in the end that it was never bound to be, and you just have to let him go. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we should know how to be grateful for the gift. We oftentimes don’t see the reason why we don’t always get what we want, but in the end of it all, we realize that what we wanted wasn’t meant for us, after all, everything happens for a reason. When you feel down because you didn’t get what you wanted, just sit tight and be happy because God is thinking of something better for you.
It hurts to love someone and not loved in return, but what is the most painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel. It’s always better to have found the courage in love even if you lose it in the end rather than never finding love because you were too afraid to face its challenge. The greatest regrets in our lives are the risks we didn’t take. If you think something will make you happy, go for it. Remember that you only pass this way once.
Love no matter how hard you find it, it won’t… No matter how hard you try, you won’t get it. But when you’re about to give up, it comes. Sometimes the love we are looking for is right in front of us—too close for the eyes to see. So close, your eyes and heart see it self. There are things you love to hear but you can never hear it from a person who says it with his heart. Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want him or her doesn’t mean that they don’t love you with all that they have. There are so many stars in the sky, only some are radiant to be noticed. Among those you choose to ignore is the one, which is willing to shine for you forever even if your glance remain elsewhere.
God never closes a door without opening a window. He always gives something better when He takes something away. Heartbreaks will last as long as you want and cut deep as you allow them to go. Challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them. In relationship, thank God you’re hurting or crying. There you are given a chance to measure the importance of the person because you experienced suffering. We have no right to ask when sorrows come, “Why this happens to me?”, unless we ask the same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way. When God puts a tear in your eye, it’s because He wants to put rainbow in your heart.
A heart truly in love never loses hope but always believe in the promise of love. No matter how long the time and distance. Never say goodbye when you still want to try. Never give up when you still feel you can take it. Never say you don’t love the person anymore when you could not let go. True love doesn’t have a happy ending, that’s because true love doesn’t have an ending.
Being in love is a good feeling. It is the greatest feeling of all, loving and being loved in return. The need to be loved is human. That need must be fulfilled in order to survive in this world. Certainly one cannot survive on his own without love. I'm once in love and always am in love. I love my family, my friends, my partner and our creator. Love is so powerful. Without love, we are not here in this world. We are born because of love. We will live in this world with love. When we love, we experienced sufferings. Those sufferings that make us strong enough to face all the challenges we had in life.
Love is indeed a Magical Feeling.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
All I have to Spare
Admiring you from a distance is what I usually do.
Trying to hide this feeling so true.
I may not say what you need to hear
But all I know is that you’re precious to me,my dear.
Perhaps I may not be a perfect, ideal girl
But my heart can give even a hundred tries.
I may not be rich with money and material
But I swear to make your life magical.
So much to show, so much to offer Once you’ll give my love a
time to ponder. I cannot promise you the world But I’ll try to
make everything with worth.
I can live watching you from afar
Coz a glimpse of you can bring music to my guitar.
But I hope I’ll end up having only your stare
‘Coz I tell you: “Everything of me is all I have to Spare”.
I’m Special
I’m special. In the entire world, there’s nobody like me.
Since the beginning of time,there has never been
another person like me.
Nobody has my smile. Nobody has my eyes,
my nose, my hair, and my voice.
I’m Special.
No one can be found who has my handwriting.
Nobody anywhere has my tastes-for
food or music or art.
No one sees things just as I do.
In all of time, there’s been no one who laugh like me,
no one who cries like me.
And makes me laugh and cry will never provoke
identical laughter and tears
From anybody else, ever.
No one reacts to any situation just as
I would react
I’ m special.
I’m the only one in all of creation
who has my set of abilities.
Oh, there will always be somebody who is
better at one of the things I’m good at,
But no one in the universe can reach the quality of
my combination of talents,
Ideas, abilities, and feelings.
Like a room full of musical instruments, some may
excel alone, but none can match
The symphony sound when all are played together.
I’m a symphony.
Through all eternity no one will ever look,
talk, walk, think or do like me.
I’m special. I’m rare. And rarity there is great value.
Because of my great rare I need no to
attempt to imitate others.
I will accept- yes, celebrate- my differences.
I’m Special.
And I’m beginning to realize it’s no
accident that I’m special.
I’m beginning to see that God made me
special for a very special purpose.
He must have a job for me that no
one else can do as well as I.
Out of all the billions of applicants only one is qualified,
Only one has the combination of what it takes.
That one is Me, because I’m Special.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Move on and Let go. It hurts but it’s true. Forgetting the feelings that you have for someone is one of the most difficult things in life. For the greatest battles are not fought in the most dangerous battlefields but in the heart.
I’m once get hurt by the person I love. I thought he is destined for me but he’s not. At first I’m happy to have him but as time goes by I realized something. He doesn’t deserve of my love. For one and a half years of our relationship I only just remember a few times that I’m happy. He is too arrogant; he wants to manipulate my life, which I really don’t like. Because of that, I left him. I do regret because I choose him.
Now that he’s gone in my life, I’m indeed so happy. There comes a new relationship with the guy who truly loves and respects me. I thank him for being so patient and determined enough to win me back. He longed to have me for about a year and a half. He always makes me smile. He treated me as a princess even though he’s far away from me now. He really cares for me. He really loves me.
Moving on is not quite easy but we have to set aside the past and face the future. The pain is still there but in a long run it will totally vanished.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Human Resource Management in connection with the President's SONA..
4 comments Posted by vanessa may at 4:48 AMGetting a country up and running requires years and money resources, including large sums of more from the international community. The basic structure of a country is the same: political, economic, taxation and judicial systems, infrastructure, cultural, educational and medical institutions, and more are one of the issues our president stated. Because these are interconnected, fitting them together into unified, organic whole is a complex undertaking.
She stated in her SONA all the problems our country undergone this year. The roller coaster ride of oil price hikes, high food costs and alarming economic recession as well was a few of those problems our country had today. She said, “The price of food and fuel will likely remain high. Nothing will be easy; the government cannot solve these problems over night. But, we can work to ease the near term pain while investing in long-term solutions”. For me lets just face the reality and we have to move on with our lives to achieve what we want in the future. We have to be self- reliant. Just what she said, we cannot solve those problems. All we have to do is to work hard to attain all the basic needs we had in life.
In relation with Human Resource Management, she said that by year 2010 over P 300 million training partnership with the private sector will qualify 60,000 for call centers, medical transcription, animation and software development, which will have a projected demand of one million workers. It’s beneficial on our part as an IT/CS student because when we will graduate hopefully by 2010, we can have good job ahead. Likewise she said that there is an increase in SSS benefits for employees. She also mentioned the increased of salary loan and housing loan for the benefit of the employees itself. If these things will happen, we the future employers and employees will achieve our certain goals in life thus improve the way of living.
I really admire the courage she shows during her address. Lots of people want her to take out of her regime because of a reason that she didn’t do her job well as a mother of this country. But then she is eager enough to provide all the answers of all the problem of her countrymen as well.
The statement that I found inspiring was when she said, “To meet the challenge of today, we will feed our people now, not later, and help them get through these hard times. To meet the challenges of tomorrow, we must become more self-reliant, self-sufficient and independent, relying on ourselves more than on the world.”
Monday, July 21, 2008
When I was in first year, the decision I really regret until now is that when we drop the subject Computer Programming 1 for a reasons that we cannot able to understand the subject, we don't know how to make programs,we don't have computers at home and that we are pressured by other subjects that also takes place that time. We are so damn crazy that time. How I wish I could turn back the time. If I able to comply all the subjects from the past three years, by March I will graduate. Now even though I stayed for four years in this institution, I'm still considered as a third year student as well as next year. Probably, I will take BSIT for six years and I will graduate hopefully in year 2010. I'ts quite shameful on my part because all my batch mates way back in high school will graduate on time and that I'm left behind.
At night before I sleep, i keep on thinking about the current situation of my studies. I cannot put the blame to my professors that has a power to terminate us. It was really my mistake since I didn't show the best of me. I didn't come out to my shell and show much effort to study harder. I sometimes think that I have to transfer to other school like what my other classmates do in order to graduate as soon as possible. That is one of the reason why I work in order to have some money for all the fees if ever I will transfer. But then I come to realized that I have to continue what I've started even though I will stay for about six years in my school. I have to study harder so that I will not fail. The things I've learned inside the classroom and outside the school premises will help me to become a competitive individual in my future work.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Our second visit with our chosen company happened last July 05, 2008. I’m the first one to arrive there. I’ve been waiting for my group mates to arrive for almost an hour. The time they arrived, we directly go to Mr. Llano’s office to conduct our interview and ask about our topic which is Job Organization and Information. When we arrived in his office, he is actually conducting an interview to the three applicants. We just wait for him for about 30 minutes. He entertained us while he gave exam to the applicants.
We are really confused on some of our topic that’s why we want to asked it personally to him. Without hesitation, he answered all the questions we asked for us to understand more our topic. We frequently asked about Job Description, Job Specification, Job Analysis, Job Design and Job Organization.
My assigned topic is to give some benefits derived by an organization from a complete job description, job specification, job analysis, job design and job evaluation. According to him, the work is more organized because there are certain qualifications to be followed when it comes to hiring employees and etc. He also said that, it is easy for the administrator to evaluate the performance of an employee which is true because it is under by job evaluation. We are really impressed to him because he always had an answer to what we are asking.
Our first visit with our company which is LYR Group of Companies was indeed a memorable one. We’ve been there for almost an hour waiting for us to be entertained. We are patient enough waiting for the HR manager. One of the staff of the company asked us who we looked for and what is our purpose in visiting them. That time the HR manager, Mr. Carlito S. Llano was quite busy. The time he saw us he set aside his work and entertained us. We introduced ourselves and then asked some questions about their organization. We are really amazed when he started to explain everything. He is like a teacher to all of us. He imparts his knowledge to all of us without hesitation. He never had second thoughts on sharing to us all his knowledge for us to understand what is the role of Human Resource Management in a certain company.
I really learned a lot from him. According to him, there are 4 characteristics of an employee he looks for. That is being Honest, Diligent, Loyal and Obedient. With that characteristic, an employee will help the company to achieve their certain goals and meet the expectations of others thus making it globally competitive.
Mr. Llano quoted, “Learning is Unlearning”. It means that to learn is to unlearn the things that are not good. Like always being late, for someone learns getting up late, he/she must unlearn getting up late. We can really relate to that quote since it is somewhat applicable to our daily lives.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Human beings are the most important, potent and critical resource of an organization and yet the least understood and the worst managed of its own resource.
A certain organization or multinational company cannot stand without human as their workforce and some resources to maintain and improve it. Man is the soul and the brain of the organization since he/she is responsible in making the company to become a successful one. Without them, the company cannot meet the expectations needed for it to be called a competitive organization.
Employers must provide employees with much more information about the operation in the workplace. Thus making the employees more useful for the company endowed with good working habits.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
As the semester started, I was quite strucked about having a Human Resource Management subject since we are not belong to BSBA or any business related course. Why is that so?
For me HRM is included as a part of our curriculum for a reason that the subject impart us knowledge on how to deal with other people especially when we are hired in a certain company in the future. Being a part of a business organization in the future requires good relationship with other people in the workplace. That is why we have to learn and value HRM not just because we need to study it but also to bear in our minds that we can apply these learnings when we will have our job in the future. Likewise, it will mold us to become more responsible person equip with knowledge on how to be a good worker of a certain organization thus building a pleasant relationship with different people not only to those IT people.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Modern technology rises and it brought big impact to everyone's life. As years goes by, technology improves. It makes everyone's way of life changed. Every now and then new technology created to improve the way of life of every people and to make work done more easier and challenging.
Since we are in the 21st century, Corporations are now also engaged in the fast pace technology. 21st century corporations are more efficient and innovated compared before. That is because of the so called modern technology we had now. The use of technology will make their businesses more competitive and ready to face the world of chaos. They undergo a radical transformation as far as competition is concerned. They see to it that they will not be dumped by others. They make use of some technology that will produce good products preferably for the consumption of humans and thus satisfy the demand of every consumers. Latest softwares are also developed to input corporation's confidential facts without doing it manually. Because of it the work is done more simpler without being pressured. Likewise, Internet is widely used now. Through internet, they establish good communication in terms of business with their distributors and suppliers.
Based on what I've observed, corporations in this century make used of those brilliant machines unlike before that work is done by humans workforce. Maybe in the fast few years work must be done by robots. Pity to those people who really need work because they couldn't have it at all because of the latest technology trend. As far as I know, human is the heart of the company or corporation but now I guess it's the machine that takes place. Well technology somewhat gives advantage and disadvantage in anyone's life. It makes work done better and easier but it will make some people's life undergo a big change.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
- Downsizing refers to the reduced number of employees in a certain company that undergone temporary suspension or permanent termination of employment for a reason that certain positions are no longer necessary or there is a business slowdown.
improve the image of the firm among the stockholders or investors and to become
more competitive.
One of the downsized company is Clipsal.
Last June 12, 2008, the South Australian-based manufacturing company Clipsal announced it would sack 200 permanent workers and close its Nurioopta plant based in the Barossa Valley. The company indicated that there would likely be unspecified “flow on” job cuts in its labour hire workforce.
The sackings will take place when Clipsal closes its Nurioopta plant
along with a second plant in the city’s fringe at Bowden. Clipsal will
consolidate its operations at Gepps Cross in Adelaide’s north.
Permanent employees will be offered new jobs in the Gepps Cross plant,
an 80-kilometre round trip for workers living in the Barossa.
Management stated that permanent employees who cannot move from
Nurioopta to Gepps Cross will be made redundant, but not those from the
Bowden plant. The move will start later this year and continue through
to 2009.
A June 13 ABC Online report quoted the Australian Workers Union (AWU)
official Wayne Hanson condemning Clipsal’s decision, saying that
management has broken its word.
Clipsal was recently bought by the Scheider company which promised that
no regional Clipsal plants would be shut down. Hanson told the ABC
Online that, when the Schneider company bought the Clipsal cartel it
gave very firm commitments to the continuation of manufacturing in the
regional areas.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Without you
I know it’s over now,
I can’t believe were through,
If this is what you need,
There’s nothing I can do.
So where am I to go?
What am I to choose?
Remembering our days just makes me want to cry,
We tried so hard I know.
But still we said goodbye,
So where am I to go?
What am I to choose?
When I build my world around you.
Gotten use to see you smile,
Hear you whisper late at night,
Now I’ve got nothing left to lose,
Coz I know I’m without you.
If only fate were kind,
Then I’ll be holding you,
And we’d be like before,
But destiny was cruel.
Without you there’s no sunshine,
Without you only rain,
And if there is tomorrow,
I hope to ease my pain.
Friday, June 20, 2008
5 Online Job:
Interactive Production Artist
-Translate designs into optimized digital files for websites, banner ads, interstitial or micro-sites.
- Work predominantly with images and copy, but may also work with other media formats, such as animation, video and audio.
- Assist designers, senior designers and Art Director with design, HTML, Flash and other tools as needed.
- Work with Senior Designer and Designer to track, process, develop and deliver all graphical assets for a website or media campaign.
- Preserve the integrity of the design while implementing it technically.
Senior Web Designer
-Design HTML prototypes, visual interfaces and interaction of Web-based applications and hand code CSS.
Online Teacher
- Teaches English to non-native English speakers all over the world. They will help students to improve their language skills in a flexible-time frame that suits their busy lifestyle.
Call Center Agent
-A call center agent is the person who handles incoming or outgoing customer calls for a business. A call center agent might handle account inquiries, customer complaints or support issues.
Web Producer
- Implement daily and weekly site updates.
- Coordinate the implementation of new features for the websites; auctions, sweepstakes, podcasts, etc..
- Update, modify and correct graphical design elements, including navigation and images.
Among the 5 online jobs I've mentioned above, I prefer to be an Online Teacher because I can work without giving so much effort to go to the workplace since I can do the task at home. Likewise, I may able to communicate with people of different races all over the world. It's quite challenging for me since I have to impart some knowledge to people that I don't used to know.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Hi Sir! I'm Vanessa May Caneda. A 4th yr BSIT student.
I expect that this subject will be more challenging and fun since it must be usually done outside the school campus. We will be expose to different people that will help us to accomplish our study. I hope that you will be more considerate and patient enough to all of us.
God Bless you Sir!
Friday, June 13, 2008
As I graduate of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, I want to be a Telecomm Specialist of one of the telecommunication company of this country.
Job Description:
Telecomm Specialist/ Call Center Agent: This job requires good communication skills likewise must be knowledgeable in computer hardware and software.
- Should also have the ablility to work under pressure depending on the schedule given.
- Must be patient and self-desciplined.
- Has good logical and technical skills.